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Article Image By Klark Barnes

Planning a Bug Out Can Seem Overwhelming. but the More You Plan and Prepare in Advance, the More Likely You Will Remember Which Places to Avoid Going When SHTF

Article Image, Daisy Luther

As a lot of you know, I've been living in Europe for the past six months. But not "fancy" Europe. No Paris, no London, no Berlin, no Milan. Instead, I'm sticking to the less expensive and many would argue, less sophisticated Balkan countries.

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

Today James answers the question he received most often from the attendees of The Better Way conference in Bath: are we going to win this thing? Get ready for a bigger answer than you're expecting and a homework assignment of your own.

Article Image By B. Cat Stone

If you received an alert that there was an emergency requiring immediate evacuation and had only minutes to prepare to leave your house with your pets, could you be ready? Most pet parents would say no. In a Godzilla-level emergency, such as a fast-m