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From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks.

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The sCharger-5 is capable of charging anything with a USB connection at wall charging speeds. It can charge a Smartphone in two hours or less. It will charge anything with a male USB connection. The sCharger is water and weather resistant.

News Link • Global Reported By Adam Rodriguez
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There is a great deal of thought that goes into every corner of my yard. Developing strategies to shade the house and grow healthy food are two of my favorite budget-saving efforts.

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Here, Robert and Yvonne Hardy have built their home, farm and lifestyle. They raised kids, saw grandchildren arrive, and the world change. Here they have made their own fuel, both for body and truck.

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A hugelculture bed is a raised mound for planting. It consists of woody matter covered with soil and, optionally manure, mycelium, and compost. A hugelcultur bed is a critical part of any permaculture design.

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Leo Shares how easy it is to raise quail as a food source. You get 200 eggs per female bird 6-8 weeks after it is hatched. 6-8 days in the incubator. The cages are 2 x 2 x 8in high and you can keep 12 bird

Article Image, Bill Schweber

While looking for more batteries during a recent power failure, I came across some D-size alkaline cells in the back of a drawer, in their original package (see photo) with the price and store name sticker.

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Former Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson and Dara are putting on the Arizona Freedom Fest in Show Low Arizona June 14,15,16 2013 Come check out the private gun show. The speakers will be Chuck Baldwin, Joel Skousen,