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Awaken With JP

The Biden Administration has launched the Disinformation Governance Board - AKA the Ministry of Truth! Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about Nina Jankowicz and the exciting new powers that the government will be exerting on free

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Russell Brand -

As Anthony Fauci is now branded as "false information" by Facebook, in relation to clip that has resurfaced from the past in which he discusses the flu vaccine, we ask, is this really about protecting the world from disinformation?

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Russell Brand -

What's the truth of the covid origins? A bombshell article by Vanity Fair based on more than 100,000 leaked documents uncovers some damning revelations.

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'There was no remorse whatsoever': Student who called out CNN analyst Brian Stelter on his network's disinformation says anchor refused to admit hypocrisy over his Fox News attacks during their private chat

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Russell Brand -

The press that ignored the Hunter Biden story in 2020 finally admit that it's real. What other recent "conspiracy theories" will be proven and admitted to be truth in the coming months and years?

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Robert W Malone MD, MS - Substack

Elements of our government have been engaged in pysops campaigns designed to manipulate the beliefs and thoughts of the American people, and these campaigns started long before COVID-19.

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