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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Fauci made another circuit through the adoring media yesterday, again accusing anyone of pointing out his lack of honesty and constant moving the goal posts of "killing people." Senator Paul has a great retort to this absurd and, frankly, unhinged cl

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

Politicians may be morons when it comes to public policy, but they're geniuses when it comes to inventing new ways to control your life and steal your money...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

In a letter to a Member of Congress yesterday the Principle Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health admitted that his agency - contrary to Fauci's claims - did fund gain-of-function research on bats and viruses. Over to you, Fauci... Als

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The death this week of former Secretary of State Colin Powell reminds us of his ignoble role in selling the lies that led to the destruction of Iraq and a million deaths.

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Today my point is that rules by themselves - rules by their essence - are the opponents of righteousness. I know this strikes most people as impossible, but I'm convinced that it's correct and important.
