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Shire Society Forum

Before YouTube activism sucked all the air out of my room, I was involved in some successful agitation under the banner of " 2." This 2005 type of activism may be worth revisiting now that deplatforming has made videography less useful

Dr. Rima

The Top 10 Reasons Why the United States Should #ExitTheWHO: 1. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND CORRUPTION: The WHO is infiltrated by Big Pharma, Big Money, and Big Foundations and has been corrupted by financial donations from corporations and non-gov

News Link • Global Reported By J T

Dr. Rima

The Top 10 Reasons Why the United States Should #ExitTheWHO: 1. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND CORRUPTION: The WHO is infiltrated by Big Pharma, Big Money, and Big Foundations and has been corrupted by financial donations from corporations and non-gov

News Link • Global Reported By J T
Article Image, by ron paul

One of the greatest influences on both my personal philosophy and the strategy of how to promote it was Leonard Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).

Article Image by Eric

The Farce of July is almost here again. That is its proper name – because it is farcical to "celebrate" what has been lost – and pathetic to pretend it hasn't been lost.

Article Image by Eric

The Farce of July is almost here again. That is its proper name – because it is farcical to "celebrate" what has been lost – and pathetic to pretend it hasn't been lost.

Article Image

The "Airwave Six" gathered in secret to break into the television broadcasting system of the most tyrannical regime on earth. Their goal was to expose the gravest lie in Chinese history used to justify the persecution of millions.

Article Image by Alfredo Ortiz

Is social activism the only way to improve the situation for minorities in America? Alfredo Ortiz, the son of Mexican immigrants and the CEO of Job Creators Network, has a different take.
