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Article Image By Ginny Garner

An estimated 35,000 protestors participated in the Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington DC on January 23rd. The event was sponsored by Children's Health Defense (CHD), Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Allianc

Article Image by Jeff Deist

Enough is enough. It is time to stop wearing masks, or at the very least to eliminate mask mandates in all settings.

Article Image by CJ Hopkins

This isn't going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets.

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Joydah Mae -

In amongst the joy of coming together, we were guided to stand as one - to bring visibility to the message of this song. To stand up for our children and face the adversities that risk their well-being.

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France: A report from the Reporterre website says: "Relay antennae are being torched, fibre-optic cables cut, pylons unbolted. During the night, people burn construction machinery, attack masts with disc cutters or destroy electrical equipment with

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France: A report from the Reporterre website says: "Relay antennae are being torched, fibre-optic cables cut, pylons unbolted. During the night, people burn construction machinery, attack masts with disc cutters or destroy electrical equipment with
