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Article Image By Llewellyn H. Rockwe

Del Bigtree, a famous television producer, is one of the greatest crusaders for medical freedom in the world today. Dr. Ron Paul is a big fan. Del become famous for his appearances on the Dr.Phil program and was often a popular guest on TV programs.

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News With Views - Dave Daubenmire

This commentary was originally written in 2006. Not much has changed. We wonder why evil is flourishing. It is worth another read.

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True Life -

Laurence is a freelance video editor and a livestream producer. He works with Richard Grove's AUTONOMY Unlimited digital media marketing company, helps produce Richard's AUTONOMY course and produces the Grand Theft World Podcast. He and his wife Cand

Article Image by Aden Tate

I believe that one of the things that makes America so great as a nation is that we refuse to bow to fatalism. As other nations collapse, their citizens tend to bow their heads and say, "Well, there's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well

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