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https://ottawacitizen-com, Laura Osman

The trial of two convoy protest organizers was stalled on Friday after the defence demanded more information about a software upgrade that wiped the data from the phones of at least two Ottawa police officers after the protest.

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There are people called "activists" whom I respect and support, but I divide these people from the activism of my title, because these people act, encourage, and teach directly, not through third parties.

Article Image By DR Joseph Mercola

In this interview board-certified internist and biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass discusses the dangers posed by the World Health Organization's upcoming pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments. She a

Article Image By Neenah Payne

Documentary "Unwoke, Inc.": Five Alternatives To Woke shows that Del Bigtree, Host of The Highwire and producer of the 2016 film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe celebrated NBA star Jonathan Isaac both for his courageous stand on refusing to

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America is in a fight for its very existence. The ruling class that controls almost everything in Washington, D.C., New York City and Hollywood is making an all-out push to eviscerate every vestige of Freedom and (real) Christianity in the United Sta