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IPFS News Link • Activism

They Lie! Nihilism and the War on Truth

• By The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

About this event

4 hours 30 minutes

Mobile eTicket

U?nder the guise of "science" and "fighting disinformation" in these past three years we have seen the greatest threats to free speech and expression in most of our lifetimes. As we have seen so clearly with the release of the "Twitter Files," governments have joined with corporations and the mainstream media - using emerging technology - in attempt to control what we say and, ultimately, what we even think, to an extent the totalitarian regimes of old could only dream about.

A?s bad as we thought it might be, it turns out - thanks to the unlikely hero, Elon Musk, for opening up Twitter's back pages - it was so much worse. Governments working through government-funded "NGOs" to create lists of Americans that must be silenced for thinking the "wrong" thoughts, for expressing the "wrong" opinions.

D?r. Paul has always said that without the First Amendment, the others aren't much help. But as we now see, technology has allied with tyrannical tendencies to create the greatest threat we have seen in our lifetimes.

C?ovid. The Russia/Ukraine conflict. January 6th. And so many others. Toe the line or the government will arrange your disappearance. It's time to take free speech back. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a Left vs Right issue. It's an 'Us vs Them' issue. They are authoritarians, we are fighting for liberty.

T?entative Program: RPI 2023 Houston Conference

8:30: Registration and buffet breakfast

9:15 – 9:45: Daniel McAdams - Welcome and Introduction, "The Rise of State/Corporate Censorship"