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Arizona's Top News

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Real News Tucson reporter Chris Haskell brings you another day of Tucson Weather. Where do you draw the line? Stratospheric Geo-Engineering is one of the names our government has given their Weather Manipulation programs which is currently operating

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Haskell
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24/7 Wall St

The challenge developers have is that they must show that the place where they want to build homes has 100 years' worth of water supply in the ground. It is absurd to believe that a forecast that stretches out that long can be accurate.

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AZ Family

While parts of the country battle an arctic storm and below freezing temperatures, the Valley will be above average this afternoon. Highs this Christmas Eve will be in the low 70s with sunny skies.

Article Image by Jim Stone

They printed Mutant Ballots on Election day--using a 19" image on a 20" ballot paper. That's why the tabulators rejected the ballots