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Biden Border Crisis Leaves Arizona Hospital with $20 Million in Unpaid Bills

•, NY Post

Dr. Bob Transchel, president and CEO of the hospital said, "anybody that walks through our door is gonna get the same level of care as anybody else." But the costs are unsustainable.

Customs and Border Protection sources reported overwhelmed agents have logged more than 575,000 migrant encounters along the southwest border since Oct. 1, the start of fiscal year 2023. Of that number, more than 397,000 were released into the US to seek asylum while nearly 178,000 were expelled under the pandemic-related, public health policy known as Title 42. The Supreme Court is currently considering rescinding of Title 42, which will unleash floods of migrants. 

President Biden's ongoing border crisis has left an Arizona hospital holding the bag for $20 million in unpaid bills racked up by migrants who needed treatment — including expensive surgery and intensive care — during just the past six months.

Dr. Bob Transchel, president and CEO of Yuma Regional Medical Center, said Friday neither the federal nor state governments have been willing to help out his 406-bed, nonprofit facility.

"There's no payer source for those individuals," Transchel told Fox News. "Everybody's sympathetic and they lend a listening ear, but nobody is offering a payer source for these individuals. It's an unsustainable business model."

Transchel said that "anybody that walks through our door is gonna get the same level of care as anybody else," adding that migrants "come in that need dialysis, that need heart surgery, that need cardiac catheterization."
