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JUST IN: Judge Rules on High Stakes Election Case

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The court rejected Lake's claim that ballot printer and tabulation issues at a significant number of polling places on Election Day were the result of official misconduct that changed the results of the election.

In a decision Saturday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson found that the court did not find 'clear and convincing evidence' of the official misconduct that impacted the election. Lake will appeal the ruling, she said in a statement.

"The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence," Judge Thompson said.

Former Secretary of State and Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs did not testify about certifying her own election. Kari Lake's team withdrew their subpoena of Hobbs earlier in the week.

Kari Lake exuded confidence following the last day of the Arizona election trial on Friday that she had made her case: Maricopa County election officials and her rival gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs had acted with "malicious intent" to deprive her campaign and Arizona voters of a free, fair, and cleanly run election.