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Arizona's Top News

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CameraFRAUD has uncovered that ATS has been quietly using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) devices to monitor and track the movements of those within the self-proclaimed “Most Livable City." The devices are also RFID-ready.

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We coming to see the insidiousness of the 1.4 BILLION dollar boondoggle [Ed] A Metro light rail train broadsided a white pickup truck filled with furniture Monday afternoon in Tempe's first train accident since the system began operating a week a

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Not content with the traditional red light and speed camera fines, which approach $200.00, this deployment would also “be capable of capturing violations of the state’s new ban on plate covers that obscure the word “Arizona” at the top of the license

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And unlike last spring, when the treasurer issued a similar alarm, this time there won't be reserves to cover the bills. Martin says the state will be forced to borrow money in the short term - the first time since World War II - and adds that th

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Exclusive to CameraFRAUD/4409/Freedom's Phoenix --- Moments after being sworn in as Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu spoke with us regarding the fate of photo enforcement in his jurisdiction, his belief in the Constitution, as well as the proper

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Welcome to the second installment of: This Week In FRAUD! Name: Rape-van Ricky. Age: 3 (2005 Chevy Venture). Address: None - public nuisance/vagrant - usually found on sidewalks in Scottsdale.

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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...a team of Saint Nicks decided to deal a temporary death-blow to various Redflex cameras in the City of Tempe. Armed with wrapping paper and gift boxes, these anti-surveillance Santas boldly delivered some holiday cheer to the delight of passing mo

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East Valley Tribune

4 protestors were arrested at the Maricopa County Board of Supervisor’s meeting and escorted out of the auditorium by Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office deputies after they stood and applauded in support of 1 of their members who spoke during the publi

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