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Republican Faction Works with Democrats to Move the Party Left, Push Open Primaries...

•, Rachel Alexander

As Democrats take over the top leadership positions in Arizona, progressives on both sides of the aisle are moving to codify policy prescriptions. Once such group, Save Democracy Arizona (SDA), is looking into getting an initiative on the ballot in 2024 that would open up primary elections to everyone and possibly implement ranked choice voting. The new group is composed of Democrats and also moderate Republicans who seek to stop conservative Republicans from getting elected to office.

Bob Brickman, an election and regulatory lawyer in Phoenix, told The Arizona Sun Times his concerns about the move. "Using 'let's make voting easier' deceptive narratives, it all started with expanding a narrow absentee ballot system into an unrestricted multi-day early mail-in ballot voting system, that experts from both political parties historically recognized as prone to fraud; the National Popular Vote Initiative and Ranked Choice Voting are planned extensions of further diluting conservative citizen voting rights," he said.

Brickman went on, "Most troubling now, however, is the active participation of the McCain and moderate/RINO Republicans not only supporting these election changes, but as they did during the height of the Tea Parties, it appears they are working with Democratic operatives to take over conservative-leaning/MAGA Legislative Districts by running newly minted registered Republicans (many who are actually Democrats in 'sheep's clothing') in Precinct Committeeman primaries to vote out conservative PCs, and then take over the leadership of the LD Boards – pretty much neutralizing that LD's conservative grassroots activism."
