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WAR: About that War

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Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Following the Washington, DC antiwar rally last week, similar - and much larger - protests are breaking out in London, Berlin, Paris and across European capitals. New opinion polls in Germany show that most oppose more German involvement in Ukraine.

Article Image by daniel mcadams

Following the Washington, DC antiwar rally last week, similar - and much larger - protests are breaking out in London, Berlin, Paris and across European capitals. New opinion polls in Germany show that most oppose more German involvement in Ukraine.

Article Image, RonPaulLibertyReport

While economically suffering at home, Americans are being plundered to finance Ukraine's war against Russia to the tune of over $100+ BILLION so far.

Article Image by Ted Snider

Though they are being fought in the confusion of a single catastrophic conflict, there are four closely related, but distinct, wars being fought in Ukraine. The first is the war within Ukraine. The second is the war between Russia and Ukraine. The th

Article Image, By Lex Greene

The United States of America is on the brink of extinction and the O'Biden regime has pushed the world to the brink of World War III which may go to full-scale global war or even a nuclear exchange before they are finished.
