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WAR: About that War

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Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive move which is an "Article 5 conflict" but also an "out-of-area" battle.

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Rick Rozoff of Stop Nato joins us to go over the context of the US/NATO/EU/IMF takeover of Ukraine, why it is taking place, and where it is ultimately leading. Rozoff warns that war is not a potential outcome but is in fact already taking place, and

Article Image by Moon of Alabama

On the evening of February 15 the Russian Foreign Ministry released information about a phone call between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. CGTN reported on February 16:

Article Image, Moon of Alabama

On the even of February 15 the Russian Foreign Ministry released information about a phone call between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. CGTN reported on February 16:

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Twenty years ago this spring the U.S. government was finally successful in lying us into war with Iraq. Administration after administration had sanctioned and bombed and even invaded the country, but finally 20 years ago next month the Bush Administr

Article Image By Llewellyn H. Rockwe

The great Dr. Ron Paul has been right about all the major issues that confront the world today.

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

Gilbert Doctorow, an Intelligent and Informed Russian Expert Explains that It Is Indeed a Nano-second to Midnight. This is an extremely important warning, which like my own is likely to be ignored at our peril. In no Western capital or print and TV

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