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Can the disposable be sustainable? A smartphone does lots of things, many of them astounding. One thing it doesn't do is last very long. Generally two or three years before it gets thrown away. Usually because it's not worth buying a new battery

Article Image, by Robert Hunziker

Tokyo Electric Power's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which experienced three massive meltdowns in 2011, is running out of room to store radioactive water. No surprise! But now, what to do about phosphorescent water?

Article Image by James Delingpole

All this week, the mainstream media have been trying to scare you with heartrending tales of burning Amazonia -- a conflagration the like of which we have never seen before. Supposedly…

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Bernie Sanders has promised to save the Planet, make money, re-engineer our economy, and create 20 million new good "green" jobs--for a mere $16 trillion, or $800,000 per job. Some details we might want to ask him: What exactly will these workers be doing?

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