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Just this past November, in Mathura, a town 112 miles south of Delhi, in the dusty neighborhood of Churmura, the first-ever hospital for ailing elephants was opened by the conservation nonprofit Wildlife SOS India. The facility, built next to an elep

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David Veksle

nvironmentalists have recently become concerned about the impact Bitcoin mining has on global warming. Headlines such as "Bitcoin Will Burn the Planet Down. The Question: How Fast?" and "Bitcoin Mining Alone Could Raise Global Temperatures Abov

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Fulner
Article Image, Ben Coxworth

Graphene, the "wonder material" composed of a one-atom-thick sheet of linked carbon atoms, is the world's strongest manmade material. Now, scientists have used it to create a new type of concrete that is much stronger, water-resistant and eco-friendl