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Through trial and error, these researchers have learned to better predict the quiet, hidden phenomenon of coral spawning, to fertilize coral eggs in the lab, and to foster young corals until they're ready to grow in the open sea, on a living reef.

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I Am not a climate scientist who depends on government grants. I am a geotechnical engineer, having spent 50 years solv-ing problems with the earth and our environment; challenges involving groundwater, landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, waste dispo

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LewRockwell.Com - Robert - Ice Age Now

You've swallowed the green propaganda on renewables hook, line and sinker. Wind and solar are wasters of resources. They are net energy SINKS when all of their actual energy inputs are taken into account.

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the plastic straw ban in California, including where it came from, and why it is counterproductive and ridiculous. Join us as we explore the plastic s

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Decades of commercial mountaineering have turned Mount Everest into the world's highest rubbish dump as an increasing number of big-spending climbers pay little attention to the ugly footprint they leave behind.

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Today, Siberia has relatively low biodiversity, but that wasn't always the case. During the last Ice Age, the region was covered with a biome known as the "mammoth steppe," a grassy landscape densely populated by ?" as the name suggests ?" wooll