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IPFS News Link • r3VOLution Continues

‘Veterans in Defense of Liberty’ Rises Up to Give Veterans a New Voice in the American Conversation

• Pajamas Media
When men and women join the American military, they take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies. It’s an oath we all take very seriously, but when they leave the service, many veterans lose a tangible way to continue to fulfill it. They also lose the brotherhood and camaraderie that go along with serving our country in the armed services. A new veterans group, called Veterans in Defense of Liberty, has risen up to fill both voids. [He] says there are currently 28 million veterans in the United States. [...] Magill says ViDoL is a veterans’ group with a clearly defined mission: Restore the constitutional republic that veterans spend years, and devote their blood and lives, to defend. Dr. Magill: “You can poo-poo the Tea Parties as we’re seeing people on the left do today, but let them try to denigrate our 28 million veterans. It doesn’t take a large percentage of that number to stand up and say ‘We will take back our constitutional republic’ for us to have an impac