Letters to the Editor • Camera Fraud


Dear Editor: We here in Oregon have been fighting the powers that be for our rights to travel. In this process of research and investigating this issue for the past 15 years, we have documented proof of racketeering, perjury, criminal official misconduct,  and much more involving several state officials all the way up to the governors office with all the makings of a Hollywierd movie.

Our main concern right now is the main man heading up this issue Mr. Richard L. Koenig is presently on the lamb being hunted down Soviet style to be inducted into the state hospital before he can expose the truth and the criminals behind it all under the color of law disguised in respectability. It's like living in the Twilight Zone on Steroids.

Mr. Koenig has an entire case file proving beyond a doubt the crimes that are being committed against him and the people of Oregon. You wouldn't believe it yourself unless you read it for yourself. I am attaching a couple of letters written by Mr. Koenig addressed to Mr. Eric Geblikiks, top dog at the DPSST that will give you an idea of what we are dealing with here. My objective right now is to get Richard Koenig exposed to the public as much as possible and seek outside help, because this state is all part of the criminal machine dead set on making Mr. Koenig disappear before he is able to expose the truth and this is just the tip of the iceberg if you will. Like I said, you wouldn't believe the story behind this unless you could read it for yourself and this is doable if you decide to follow up on this and talk to Mr. Koening yourself.

We need help before Mr. Koenig disappears. He has sacrificed his life on this issue and is an incredible threat to those who continue to cover up and move ahead with their criminal agendas.

Thank you for your time and interest in this matter. Please feel free to contact me anytime.

Respectfully, Rod Souza Dayton, Oregon (503)435-8248

PS  Files wouldn't upload on this format. I would be able to send if I had an email address to do so if this gets your attention.

Thank you
