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Article Image, Russell Brand

As Davos wraps for another year, we react to some of the highlights, including discussions about a new world order, the WHO treaty, the need for biometric digital ID, and some wonderful cultural appropriation.

Article Image

This production is not a Richplanet video, but is important because it explains how the internet and internet platforms are now fully infiltrated by governments and various billionaire henchmen.

Article Image, BY Jeffrey A. Tucker

The train wasn't scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the official sign on the door of the huge elevator leading to the platform. It said that only four people are allowed in because we must all practice social distanc

Article Image, By John C. A. Manley

It's beginning to look a lot like democide… Alright, it's looked like democide for about three years now -- since Christmas 2020 when Pfizer and Moderna first gifted the world with their government-sponsored mRNA injections.

Article Image, by James Bovard

Americans today have the "freedom" to be fleeced, groped, wiretapped, injected, censored, injected, ticketed, disarmed, beaten, vilified, detained, and maybe shot by government agents.

Article Image by Zeee Media

Journalist Liz Gunn releases an official statement advising the NZ Ministry of Health Whistleblower and person working with him have both been raided by police. Liz Gunn reports police are still surrounding the Whistleblowers' home after several h

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