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IPFS News Link • Media: Internet

Dr Shiva (Shatter the Swarm)


As the mainstream media has become less and less trusted and irrelevant, social media is now being controlled surreptitiously by a hidden network. Controlled opposition "characters" have been rolled out to mop up and steer internet based audiences in order to continue to mould and control public opinion, which used to be done using mainstream media. The establishment have moved into and infiltrated internet platforms and created anti establishment impersonators. They are attacking free speech on the internet from multiple directions, firstly with new legislation such as the "Online Harms" bill (top down visible attack), and secondly by nefarious infiltration of Twitter and other platforms, (bottom up invisible attack), using many fake role models. Dr. Shiva spells it all out in this interview. "The grand deception IS Elon Musk". One thing which is not discussed in this interview are the A.I. algorithms which are built into Twitter and into other platforms which manages all the supposed "free speech posts" made by the public, ensuring that anything which the establishment want to suppress is either deleted or moved to where it will not be seen. If you want to have your alternative opinions suppressed and not read, keep using Twitter. Twitter or 'X' is a cess pit, it is not a trustworthy platform for free speech.

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