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Article Image, Corbett

After years of teasing, the moment has finally arrived: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (hereinafter dubbed "MbS" or "the Clown Prince") has announced the Saudi government's intention to float a stake in Saudi Aramco.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Officials at Saudi Aramco believe that Iran used satellite maps from Google Maps to precisely attack the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia in the middle of September, a U.S. Senator who visited the Kingdom after the attacks said, raising concerns that n

Article Image, by caitlin johnst

The Grayzone has an excellent new article out titled "US troops are staying in Syria to 'keep the oil' – and have already killed hundreds over it" ...

Article Image

Many questions remained unanswered early Friday after an attack on an Iranian oil tanker in the Red Sea sent oil prices higher, in the latest attack on energy-industry infrastructure in an increasingly volatile part of the world. According to the New

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Russia's largest oil company Rosneft has set the euro as the default currency for all new exports of crude oil and refined products, as the state-controlled giant looks to switch as many sales as possible from U.S. dollars to euros in order to avoi