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Article Image by Tsvetana Paraskova

In the days following the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Iran's European customers continue to buy Iranian oil and are in no immediate rush to replace volumes, but some refiners and traders have flagged financing issues as having the p

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ConocoPhillips is coming off of an incredible exploration season, reportedly the best they've had in over a decade, and they have Alaskan oil to thank for it. The company stuck big in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) this winter, succe

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It's an easy comparison to make: Bitcoin mining versus gold and oil extraction. All – in the abstract sense for bitcoin – involve unearthing resources, all have had bumpy price histories, and all have been labeled as disruptive in their time.

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No sooner had I penned my editorial on how "The Petroyuan Was Born This Week" than the next piece of the puzzle arrived: China is set to start buying oil directly with yuan this year. You may not know it, but this could be one of the most importa