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Zero Hedge

In a shocking example of the fallout from low oil prices coupled with years of easy-money-enabled malinvestment, the collapse of Canada's non-conventional oil production has forced a northern Alberta oil-boom-town to be put up for auction including 1

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California has become " ironically " the most anti-car state in the country. Fifty years ago, the Beach Boys sang about The Little Old Lady From Pasadena.

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Zero Hedge

A day before the OPEC summit kicks off, top officials from the oil cartel say that the markets are moving in the right direction, a sign of confidence that suggests little could emerge from this week's meeting.

Article Image, by Danny F. Quest

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said on Thursday that he would approve TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline proposal if elected, reversing a decision by the administration of President Barack Obama to block it over environmental concer

Article Image, Charles Kennedy

As the world changes for Iran post-sanctions, it's paying calls to those who benefited from the country's sanction shackles in one way or another, and India--whose refiners are said to owe Iran $6.5 billion worth of euros--is its first port of

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Wells Fargo, the most valuable bank in the US by market cap, is getting crushed by the oil crash. On Thursday, the San Francisco-based bank announced earnings that beat expectations. But underneath the positive headline number, the firm said its oi

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Many people, including many highly trained economists, seem to think the economics of decarbonizing the U.S. economy are simple and straightforward.