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Article Image by Ann Coulter

Let's compare what President Trump has accomplished since the inauguration (with that enormous crowd!) with what congressional Republicans have done.

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Below my signature is a Wall Street Journal blurb that compares life expectancies and costs for selected drugs and medical treatments between the U.S. and selected countries. The stats suggest that Americans pay through the nose for medical care yet

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Obama's legacy is measured in ashes. From wars of aggression to a police state on steroids, banking bailouts and Obamacare, Obama has been the perfect captain to carry the New World Order football further down the field. But as Americans prepare fo

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Just two days after both the House and Senate passed a budget resolution clearing the way to repeal and replace Obamacare, the President-elect has told the Washington Post that his replacement bill is nearly complete and envisions "insurance for ever

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Trump just can't seem to lose today. The President-elect scored two early victories with Ford announcing plans to keep a plant in the United States, a move they described as a "vote of confidence" in Trump, and the announcement that his nemesis at F

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