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by James Bovard

Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. A video of the architect of Obamacare, admitting the administration conned the public and blaming dumb voters for the flimflam.

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Next News Network

The election season is one full of all kinds of debate. Taxes, medicare, foreign policy, the economy. All of these old topics get repeated every November, painted up fresh with new buzz words from political speech writers. But one buzz word or ni

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
Article Image, By Lanhee Chen

A nightmare for Affordable Care Act supporters has been the possibility that only the sick would be left to purchase insurance through its exchanges, driving premiums up and insurers out.

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Jon Rappoport's Blog

Predictive modeling is the new thing in American medicine, and everyone is climbing onboard. The idea is to combine diverse sets of data, to diagnose a patient—and also predict what illnesses will strike designated sectors of the population by identi

News Link • Global Reported By mary smith