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Six months into the pregnancy, we received a letter explaining that due to the changes in the law, our policy would no longer cover maternity or OB-GYN services. This meant that our insurance would no longer pay for anything related to the birth of

Article Image by Tyler Durden

In an otherwise quiet day on the political front, moments ago Bloomberg dropped the surprising news of the day with a report that House Republicans are considering another try next week at passing the health-care bill they abruptly pulled last Friday

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It was almost a certainty that ObamaCare would not be replaced or reformed enough to restore a consumer market in medical care/insurance, one in which the consumer is at the top of the pyramid instead of the bottom.

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U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday was set to make a final push on Thursday to secure the votes to begin dismantling Obamacare in the House of Representatives, with signs that enough Republicans might defect to jeopardize one of his top legislat

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Public insurance schemes fail where private schemes succeed because politicians excessively favor constituent customers. The Affordable Care Act governing health insurers was about 1,000 pages, and Dodd-Frank governing most other financial institu

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This Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill that supposedly repeals Obamacare. However, the bill retains Obamacare's most destructive features.

Article Image, By Hunter Lewis

The Republicans have a problem. Healthcare prices are so swollen by government imposed monopolies that most people cannot possibly afford to pay the crazy bills without subsidies. What to do?

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Below is the Wall Street Journal's lead editorial of today on the political realities of replacing ObamaCare. It is spot-on in its assessment that the Ryan plan is about the best that can be achieved politically, and that failure to enact it will le