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Hatred Meets Political Reality: No Vote After Promising One and Demanding One!...

•, by Mish

We were supposed to have an Obamacare repeal vote on Thursday. Then we were told it was delayed until 3:00 AM  Friday. Then we were told there would be a vote Friday 3:30 PM regardless of the outcome. Then the vote was canceled. Why?

There is only one logical answer. Not only was the vote doomed to failure, it was doomed by a massive amount. Let the finger-pointing begin.

Recriminations Fly

Ahead of the vote, The Hill reported Recriminations Fly with Trump's Health Vote in Peril

Criticism of Ryan from Trump World is erupting into the open. Perceived Ryan allies such as White House chief of staff Reince Priebus are also in the loyalists' sights. Complaints range from the contents of the legislation itself to the decision to press for healthcare reform before moving on to other big-ticket items in the president's agenda, notably tax reform.

The sequencing was "a blunder," one Trump ally told The Hill on condition of anonymity, adding that "Reince put way too much trust in Ryan."

A New York Times report Thursday night sent reverberations across Washington with its assertion that Trump had told "four people close to him that he regrets going along with Speaker Paul D. Ryan's plan to push a health care overhaul before unveiling a tax cut proposal more politically palatable to Republicans."