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In an effort at some responsibility in my “job” that I take quite seriously, I have to ask people to please check their sources. I have had to pull a couple of articles and comments down myself due to bad sources, so I have gotten QUITE paranoid abou

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Historically, the Founding Fathers not only created but really, really used an adversarial system. Why is it then, that once again we feel we know better? Why is it that we should change and be so PC? Is it time, with our country going down the tubes

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Neal Boortz had the right of it today. The New York Times has shown it’s cowardly double standards yet again. While progressives in the United States applaud the “brave action” of the New York Times, once again the capital of hypocrisy USA has

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Holly Bailey, The Upshot/Yahoo

With the polls virtually tied in Nevada, GOP Senate hopeful Sharron Angle is set to pick up a major GOP endorsement on Friday. As the National Review's Elizabeth Crum first reported, Arizona Sen. John McCain will campaign with Angle at a rally in La

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Ros Krasny, Reuters

Representative Barney Frank, the outspoken, witty Democrat closely tied to the 2008 U.S. bank bailout, faces a tough re-election battle after 15 terms in office at a time when incumbency itself is a liability. Challenging the Massachusetts liberal

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“The average American doesn’t realize how much of the laws are written by lobbyists” to protect incumbent interests, Google CEO Eric Schmidt told Atlantic editor James Bennet at the Washington Ideas Forum. “It’s shocking how the system actually works

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Christi Parsons,

Reporting from Washington — White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel would do a good job as Chicago mayor, President Obama said in an interview Thursday morning, but he predicted Emanuel's decision about whether to seek the office likely wouldn't co

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