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Boston Tea Party

President Obama wants us to imagine an America that is within reach. I would rather have you imagine a world a little further down the road. The President wants “[a] country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new

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The Political Commentator

From the largest European oddsmaker Paddy Power, the morning line for who will be the next President of the United States! South Carolina Primary 1/12 Mitt Romney 5/1 Newt Gingrich 14/1 Ron Paul 16/1 Rick Santorum 40/1 Rick Perry...

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Free Patriot Press

With the major party Presidential nomination process coming full swing and the number of contenders dwindling, the more those who remain need to answer the tough questions. However, I recognize that the tough questions will not be asked by the mainst

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The Political Commentator

What's that you say? Bipartisan support for something in Congress? That's great news for the American people right? The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) is stopped! Now that Congressional Republicans and Democrats are working i

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Free Patriot Press

Many groups have been lobbying the U.S. Congress to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. In fact, a proposed amendment was rejected by the House of Representatives on November 18, 2011. However, an amendment requiring a balanced budget will not prevent

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Intel Hub

This is a RED Alert article/message. This is happening NOW and could destroy or drastically change most alternative media sites! We need to contact congress, spread this and other articles, and boycott the companies involved in supporting this Chi

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Free Patriot Press

Occupying Civil Disobedience With the Occupy protests continuing, and with hundreds of arrests at the various protests across the country, some people that oppose the protests have resorted to attacking the character of the protesters instead of

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The Boston Tea Party was formed in 2006 by former Libertarian Party members dissatisfied with the LP’s “abdication of political responsibilities.” “Americans deserve and desperately need a pro-freedom party,” the BTP’s founders stated, one “that forc

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Revolution PAC has launched! The advisory board features an all-star liberty lineup that includes Tom Woods, Kevin Gutzman, Jack Hunter, Mike Church, Gary Franchi, and many others. Check it out and spread the word!

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Reality Report

Ian Cioffi joins the Reality Report to discuss the 2nd Annual Liberty Fest taking place in New York City September 10th 2011 and the Las Vegas preview event hosted by Tax Payers United of American on Friday July 15th. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Liberty Fe

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“There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don’t go to a bank teller, or you go to the air

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BREAKING REVELATION: Harrison J. Bounel = Obama = Soetoro = Criminal Fraud!!! One of the aliases is a Harrison J. Bounel with Obama's social security number used in November of 2009...Harrison J. Bounel... 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illin

Home Grown Food