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“She has a huge pop cultural capability,” he said. “I think that, in our country, if she aspired to be Oprah Winfrey instead of Barack Obama, she would have a 10-, 20-year reign as a person who could influence people in the middle of the day, speci

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FDR, the champion of the downtrodden, warned us about problems with government unions. Naturally, we didn't listen, and look where we are now. But where is union solidarity and the support from unions nationwide? Jimmy Hoffa's no longer around.

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Jay Carney made his debut this week as the new Press Secretary for our Obamanation. And boy am I completely underwhelmed! At first glance, he looks like a 17 year old kid wearing his daddy’s suit to talk at a high school debate. He looks awkward

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New report released by the Oversight Committee shows that Chairman Issa is dead set on chasing a lot of rabbits down many holes - and this is a good start. From who's hurting the most in which industry to chasing down regulations preventing job grow

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It is to laugh. The Regressives in Congress and the White House didn’t hear the message you sent them. They have already turned this upcoming budget battle into an “all the Republicans” fault situation. That’s what little Chuckie “Wanna Pay” Schu

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By James H. Hyde: The anticipation is rising. The talking heads are jockeying for position in the gallery for the first big, bona fide test of bipartisanship between Barack Obama and the Republican House. As issue? Whether or not to raise the debt c

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Judge Vinson Uses Obama's Own Words To Bring Down SS ObamaCare!

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Responding to allegations from some on the left that her rhetoric and a map that appeared to target Democrats for defeat somehow had fomented a violent political atmosphere, Palin reminds listeners in the video that she has spoken out repeatedly agai

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The PPJ Gazette

At the end of the month or year, many of us must look at our individual budgets and sigh. Again due to rising food, fuel, tax increases, or just the general cost of surviving we must “create” more money. We comb through the tangible assets we have an

Home Grown Food