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Brian Miller for Congress This is a video on You Tube showing you exactly who Brian Miller is and what he will stand for in Congress! Brian Miller is the Freedom Candidate running for congress in Arizona's District

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Check out this latest installment with Patrick Wood, founder of the August Review, as he discusses how the Trilateral Commission and BP are connected. Let us know what you think at Feedback@Freedom.TV!

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Jay Batman

After a year and a half of the Obama Administration, we may safely say certain things about the Obama way of governing. At the forefront of the Obama approach to any problem is the printing of money accompanied by a laissez-faire approach to the syst

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This is my first video attempt. If you like it please share with all those you know. This truly came from the heart. Believe me when I tell you I am not an expert of American history but what I know... I know. I am but one voice of one little America

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I would have to say that it gratified me to see such a dust up on Linked In & other sites that we post to as well as our own in response to the Newt article. I would preface the rest of this article to say that I would support Newt over another Obam

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There may be a small glimmer of hope for our country come 2012. There may be a running of the Newts. That's right, Newt has come out and finally admitted that he may have his eye on the run for the White House in 2012. This is a good thing for man

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Arlen Specter (R no, wait - D-PA) is probably nervously biting his nails right now... maybe he'll be watching MSNBC later, listening to Chris Mathews or Keith Olbermann; awaiting the results from the primary in Pennsylvania that is taking place tod

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Rich Hilts

Eric Cantor has come up with a great idea to help Americans communicate their idea of spending cuts to the House. YouCut is a simple way to vote online or on your cell phone on one of five items to cut. The next week, the House Republicans will put t

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As we all know, Andy Stern is no longer president of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union); one of, if not THE most politically important union in America. On Saturday, May 8, 2010 a new president was named. Mary Kay Henry was elected by
