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Employment & Jobs

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

Yesterday's column referred to a "rising labor force participation rate" when it should have read "falling labor force participation rate." Those of you who read the column before I made the correction must have been puzzled, but, little d

Article Image, By Casey Newton

At Facebook's worst-performing content moderation site in North America, one contractor has died, and others say they fear for their lives

Article Image

In this day and age, more and more people rely on income from remote jobs, and businesses often hire professionals who are located elsewhere. Cross-border payments within the traditional financial system are slow and sometimes problematic. Employers

Article Image By Rebecca Klar

Two reporters fired amid widespread industry-wide layoffs this year are launching a nonprofit organization to protect other journalists from a similar fate as big tech companies continue to threaten the industry's viability.

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

For more a quarter century I have been explaining that America is not losing jobs to foreign competition but to our own corporations moving the work abroad in order to lower their labor costs and raise capital gains and bonuses for owners and executi

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