Contents Pages by Subject

Employment & Jobs

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Article Image, by Mike Mish Shedlock

For nearly two decades, there has been little change in the relative likelihood of unemployment in various industries.

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By Laurence M. Vance

"No man can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24). The fine print at the bottom of the website where I signed up to receive some religious newsletters read: "From time to time you will also receive Special Offers from our partners that help us m

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But, but, but... there's no slack in the labor force, we're at maximum employment, this is the best economy ever? For four years, Americans have hoped for 'more' - specifically higher household incomes - and that hope has accelerated since Preside

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Paul Craig Roberts-

For two decades the offshoring of American jobs to Asia and Mexico has destroyed the careers and incomes of tens of millions of US citizens, the pension tax base for state and local governments, the federal tax base for Social Security and Medicare,

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Another day, another bloodcurdling report about how robots are going to steal all our jobs and smash all that is holy about the dignity of work. This time it's from PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and they tell us that by the 2040s some 30 percent of jobs