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Justice and Judges

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The common sense show

SCOTUS just ruled against all Americans. Illegal aliens have more rights than American citizens. We live in country where it is now illegal to ask about the legal. America is lost and the citizens have been sold out. And one more thing, who is Voting

Article Image, Tyler Durden

A very alive Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggested on Friday that while the Supreme Court has had a relatively low rate of divisions among Supreme Court justices will hold, and that more than a quarter of the court's remaining 27 rules will be decide

Article Image By Walter E. Williams

George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School hired Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh to co-teach a course this summer called Creation of the Constitution.

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In the 1980s and '90s, American officials by and large believed the country was in the middle of a crime wave and an underincarceration crisis; they responded by increasing the length of prison sentences, enacting new mandatory minimums, and restri

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The American paddlefish is a beast. It weighs up to 160 pounds and can run seven feet long including its needle-nose snout. String one up and it looks like the Chrysler Building. The Roomba of the Ozarks, they patrol the waters with mouths open, filt

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By Andrew P. Napolitano

Much has been made lately of language in a recently enacted New York state statute that permits abortion up to the time of birth if necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother. New Jersey has had the same provision for two generations via

Article Image by Susan Duclos

Justice Ginsburg Still Missing After Cancer Surgery Causing Everybody But The Media To Ask 'Where's Ruth?'

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NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday invalidated the Trump administration's addition of a U.S. citizenship question to the 2020 census, the first ruling in a handful of lawsuits that claim the query will hurt immigrants.

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still recovering from her cancer surgery in December, and on Thursday missed her third day of oral arguments at the Supreme Court this year. The court has also refused to give an estimation on when Ginsburg is expected

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