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Ginsburg Predicts Sharp Division Within Supreme Court

•, Tyler Durden

"Given the number of most-watched cases still unannounced, I cannot predict that the relatively low sharp divisions ratio will hold," said the 86-year-old justice, according to copies of her remarks provided by the USSC on Friday. 

The highest court in the land is scheduled to finish its nine-month session at the end of this month - the first since conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the court. 

Ginsberg referred to both the census and gerrymandering cases in her remarks - the former of which will determine whether Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross can include a citizenship question on the 2020 census. She likened it to the court's decision last year to uphold President Trump's travel ban. 

The travel ban ruling "granted great deference to the executive," Ginsburg said. Opponents of the citizenship question "have argued that a ruling in Secretary Ross's favor would stretch deference beyond the breaking point." -Bloomberg