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IPFS News Link • United States

US judge halts hundreds of drilling projects in groundbreaking climate change ruling


In a rebuke of the Trump administration's 'energy-first' agenda, a judge rules greenhouse gas emissions must be considered

In the first significant check on the Trump administration's "energy-first" agenda, a US judge has temporarily halted hundreds of drilling projects for failing to take climate change into account.

Drilling had been stalled on more than 300,000 acres of public land in Wyoming after it was ruled the Trump administration violated environmental laws by failing to consider greenhouse gas emissions. The federal judge has ordered the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which manages US public lands and issues leases to the energy industry, to redo its analysis.

The decision stems from an environmental lawsuit. WildEarth Guardians, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the Western Environmental Law Center sued the BLM in 2016 for failing to calculate and limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from future oil and gas projects.

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The agency "did not adequately quantify the climate change impacts of oil and gas leasing", said Rudolph Contreras, a US district judge in Washington DC, in a ruling late on Tuesday. He added that the agency "must consider the cumulative impact of GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions" generated by past, present and future BLM leases across the country.

The decision is the first significant check on the climate impact of the Trump administration's "energy-first" agenda that has opened up vast swaths of public land for mining and drilling. Environmental advocates are praising the move, with Jeremy Nichols, WildEarth Guardians' Climate and Energy Program director, calling it a "triumph for our climate".

"This ruling says that the entire oil & gas drilling program is off the rails, and moving forward illegally," said Nichols.

Under Trump, the pace of leasing public lands for oil and gas development has surged. A recent study found the administration has made more than 13m onshore acres available for leasing, far more than any similar period under Obama. The vast majority are located in the western states of Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. The administration also plans to make large portions of the Atlantic available for oil and gas development, and the interior department has been criticized for favoring the energy industry.

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The BLM did not reply to a request for comment. The Western Energy Alliance, one of the defendants in the case, also did not respond to a request. Kathleen Sgamma, its president, told the Washington Post: "This judge has ignored decades of legal precedent in this ruling. The judge is basically asking BLM to take a wild guess on how many wells will be developed on leases, prematurely."

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Comment by PureTrust
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Your land is your land. As long as you don't harm anybody else, and as long as you attack the wrongdoer who limits your enjoyment of your own property as you see fit, properly in court, your land is your land - right down to the center of the earth. Harm no man/woman. Enjoy your property without forming a corporation. If you accidentally harm anyone, pay him for the harm done. If attacked, take it to court in a man-to-man jury trial in a Court of Record. This will trump even Trump.