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Justice and Judges

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Brett Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of a decades-old sexual assault both indicated Monday that they would be willing to testify to a Senate panel as the confirmation of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee shift

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On Saturday, Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro opened her show by slamming former President Barack Obama for his lies and demanded he come clean.

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Mark Dice video-What a Hero

Mark Dice Video- Senator risks career to release confidential docs in Kavanaugh confirmation hearing

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A federal judge in Virginia agreed Monday to grant immunity to five potential witnesses in Paul Manafort's upcoming trial -- but, in a blow to special counsel Robert Mueller, said their identities would be made public.

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By Andrew P. Napolitano

When Donald Trump started running for the Republican nomination for president in June 2015, he began by attacking the Republican establishment in Washington, and he began his attack by calling the establishment "the swamp."

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A Republican-dominated Supreme Court (SC) gave us Roe v Wade, homosexual marriage and Obamacare. In fact, Republican appointments have dominated the SC for the last 45 years. All of this talk about Republican presidents appointing pro-life, constitut

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Everyone who has children, or even nieces and nephews, understands that you have to warn a child before punishing him or her. If not, you teach the child a rash of bad lessons...

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Needless to say, I will support any candidate selected by President Trump for the Supreme Court. That said, I have grave reservations that Judge Brett Kavanagh is another David Souter or John Roberts- both of whom were appointed by Bush presidents an

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By Andrew P. Napolitano

The Declaration of Independence -- which was signed on July 3, 1776, for public release on July 4 -- was Thomas Jefferson's masterpiece. Jefferson himself wrote much about the declaration in the 50 years that followed.

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