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Justice and Judges

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Wendy McElroy

Federal authorities can resume combing through the notebooks, memory cards and computers of a twittering anarchist being investigated for violating an anti-rioting law, a federal judge ruled finding no reason to throw out the government’s search of t

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"It appears that the court has succumbed to political pressure from some local 'citizens' to have the juvenile removed from the community." Apache Co. Attorney said he will support efforts to remove the judge because Roca reversed himself, potentiall

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Simple Justice

Terry Bressi posted the story on Halloween, now a defense lawyer weighs in to Sheriff Joe's deputies perusing confidential defense lawyer-client privilege documents in court, making copies for the prosecutor and the lack of outrage!

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A Louisiana justice of the peace who refuses to marry interracial couples resigned Tuesday, after weeks of calls for his ouster from civil rights groups and several public officials, including the governor. Keith Bardwell quit with a one-sentence

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Economic Policy Journal

New York state's highest court has just bitch slapped a bunch of landlords who think they can provide apartments for the people of NYC at a rate that reflects the market rate.

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Political Class Dismissed (HT Liberty Pulse)

But you can launch a crazy lawsuit against companies for allegedly causing global warming which in turn caused a hurricane according to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

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Rolling Stone

On Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, somebody — nobody knows who — made one of the craziest bets Wall Street has ever seen. The mystery figure spent $1.7 million on a series of options, gambling that shares in the venerable investment bank Bear Stearns woul

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2 victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, seeking at least the $2.4 million they lost in the fraud. The victims said the agency was negligent and breached its duties by fai

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Arizona Republic

The city favors an evaluation that allows judges to review their own job performance rather than have it handled by an independent third party. Judge Malka told defendants to "shut up" and berated attorneys. In one case, he delayed a woman's hearing

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American Thinker

He's just getting started. And if this fellow is any indication of the kind of judges we can expect to populate our federal courts, I guarantee you we will spend the next decade or more scratching our heads at the idiotic leftist decisions that will

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Swiss authorities rejected on Tuesday an appeal by lawyers for Roman Polanski, arrested in September after fleeing America in 1978 from an underage sex charge, to release the film director from prison.

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Philadelphia Police arrested two teens in connections to a rash of robberies involving the popular classified Web site Craigslist.Theodore Graham and Anthony Owens, both 16, are facing numerous charges following three armed robberies.

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Baltimore Sun

Baltimore case shows how the line between law and disorder blurs when cops and crooks exchange information for money

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A court-appointed examiner investigating Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s bankruptcy has been exploring whether the Federal Reserve improperly cut in front of other creditors owed money in the $613 billion bankruptcy case, records show.

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Crime & Federalism

The Catholic Church wants us to move past its child molestation scandal, because, quite frankly, priests were not molesting children. Instead, ala Roman Polanski, they were simply having relations with adolescents (via):

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The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to Chicago’s gun bans, opening the door for either a grandiose success for the gun-rights movement, or a detrimental setback.

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A federal appeals court dismissed a lawsuit against two U.S. defense contractors by Iraqi torture victims, saying the companies had immunity as government contractors.

The lawsuit was filed in 2004 on behalf of Iraqi nationals who say they or their relatives had been tortured or mistreated while detained by the U.S. military at the Abu Ghraib prison.

The plaintiffs sued CACI International Inc, which provided interrogators at Abu Ghraib, and L-3 Communications Holdings Inc's Titan unit, which provided interpreters to the U.S. military.