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Justice and Judges

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I've been in and around the US justice system for most of my life. I've always had relatives and friends who were lawyers, and I worked as an expert witness for more than 30 years. And however much I may disregard the state as an institution, I h

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Late last week, a federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, questioned the authority of special counsel Robert Mueller to seek an indictment and pursue the prosecution of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for alleged financial crimes that, acc


President Donald Trump has called courts unfair and political and repeatedly assailed the 9th Circuit, the U.S. court system's westernmost division, where some of his key immigration policies have stalled.

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A federal judge has just ruled that a recent Massachusetts ban on "assault weapons" (undefined, as always) and on large-capacity magazines doesn't violate the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

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Robert Mueller is the special counsel appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May 2017 to probe the nature and extent of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. The investigation began in October 2016 under President Ba

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Bitcoin.Com News

A bill that may turn New York into a friendlier place for crypto entrepreneurs has been introduced in the state's Assembly. The draft is intended to "safeguard" cryptocurrency business activity and "prohibit" licensing fees. Its sponsors wa

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When President Donald Trump took office, he told supporters he planned to nominate four judges to the Supreme Court during his first term in office -- a plan to would give conservatives a stronghold on the high court for generations.