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Future Predictions

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

It's the end of year hiatus, so while you're here, why not kick back with the Twelve(ish) Days of Corbett and participate in the Holiday Open Thread?

Article Image by Alasdair Macleod

It has been a disappointing year for profit-seeking precious metal investors, but for those few of us looking to accumulate gold and silver as the ultimate insurance against runaway inflation it has been an unexpected bonus.

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Rob Braxman Tech -

Most of us are already chipped. This is the true if you use a "normie" phone. Things are moving in a bad direction with Big Tech, led by Google, pushing to track us with chip identifiers that will counter privacy protections like VPN's, location perm

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Organic Prepper - by Fabian Ommar

The First World is rapidly turning into the Third World and you need to be prepared for what that means for your family. While it won't directly affect everyone, many of us will feel it. Here's how to get ready for this era.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Bestselling author Alex Berenson has written a powerful piece detailing specifically how the covid panic appears to finally be ending in the US. Also today, rebels in the UK parliament, Austria reverts, and Fauci bloviates about shots in kids.

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

As I pointed out last week, we are entering into a Brave New Neofeudal Net Zero Economy, and all the verities of the old economic order are being thrown out the window.

Article Image, By Clarice Feldman

Dilbert creator Scott Adams tweeted this week: "The country's energy is strange. Everything is amped up in every direction. Something big is coming." He's rarely wrong about such things.