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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

When It Comes To 2022, You Should Definitely Prepare For The Worst

• by Michael Snyd

We are facing the most epic supply chain crisis in our history, inflation is out of control, vaccine mandates are killing careers and forcing people out of jobs all over the country, and America is the most deeply divided that I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.  Meanwhile, another wave of the pandemic appears to be building, our hospitals are already packed with non-COVID patients, global hunger is on the rise, and a major war could erupt in the Middle East at literally any moment.  Unfortunately, I am entirely convinced that many of the problems that we are currently dealing with will escalate to an entirely new level in 2022.

For example, if you think that inflation is bad now, just wait until you see what is coming.  We just got more evidence that wholesale inflation numbers are absolutely soaring

New wholesale inflation numbers from September are in and once again prove the rapid increase in prices for everyday items isn't "transitory" as President Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed.