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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

Do Americans have a future?

• Natural News

(Article by Paul Craig Roberts republished from

To begin with, it is very difficult for Americans to get any accurate information. Democracy cannot survive when the media is a lie factory serving secret agendas and politicians are servants of the special interests that provide their election funds. Not only is Congress' ability to represent the people compromised by the influence of special interests, but also Congress has given up power to executive branch regulatory agencies and to the judiciary. When the representatives of the people cannot represent them, the people have no protection.

There is neither a rule of law nor a Constitution when a President (George W. Bush) can dispense with habeas corpus and hold American citizens indefinitely without due process of law and a President (Obama) can execute American citizens on suspicion alone without due process of law. Neither president was impeached, and no court or bar association made an issue of the illegal and unconstitutional exercise of power by two American presidents as if they were unaccountable dictators.
