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Future Predictions

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Between war, digital currency, authoritarianism, and financial collapse, it doesn't seem like there is much hope for our children. Please let us know what Socrates says, is everyone doomed? Is there anywhere our children can go to escape this madne

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

via The Delingpod: "James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we're all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we're all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who,

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Here we stand at the edge of an abyss, gazing down at world war. Again. And almost no one grasps the reality of it: it's all images flying across screens and propagandists seizing emotions. Thinking, world wide, has constricted to the application o

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International Man - Jeff Thomas

Whenever a movie has been a huge hit, the film industry tries to follow it up by doing a sequel. The sequel is almost invariably far more costly, as there's the anticipation by those who create it that it will be an even bigger blockbuster than the

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We Are Change - Luke Rudkowski -

This video explains the truth about the current situation and how, despite the worst scenario still being possible, there actually is hope.

Getting to and sustaining the next normal: a roadmap for living with covid

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Eric Peters Autos

People riding in cars used to talk to one another - or watch the passing scenery. Maybe count cars or play One Headlight. Or just take a nap.

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Max Igan

Whilst we are all being distracted with (insert media distraction here) plans are almost complete where under WHO (globalist) dictates, every country on Earth is to sign an agreement for managing future pandemics with the aim to implement this in 202