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Epic Gardening -

Over 12 years ago, my brother started a garden with me and that kickstarted my own passion for gardening. It's a big reason why Epic Gardening exists today. But...HE STOPPED GARDENING! Until today. Learn along with us as we start a garden in his back

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Now is the time to get ready for the planting season. Check out these great books and top-of-the-line products. Whether you're an experienced gardener or planting a few tomatoes in a bucket, you'll find these items useful.

Article Image, Homesteading Family

There are two main reasons to start seeds indoors: to extend your growing season and for quality control. We've been starting seeds indoors for over a decade and have learned a lot through trial and error.

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By Claire Robinson

The genetically modified canola oil, newly approved in Norway to feed farmed salmon, is engineered to be grown using glufosinate, an herbicide banned in the European Union and withdrawn from the French market in 2017 due to its classification as toxi

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Epic Gardening -

Blueberries are an intimidating plant to grow due to some of their 'unique' growing requirements. But today, all of that goes away, because @meggrowsplants is joining the Epic Ecosystem to drop her expert blueberry knowledge so you know exactly what

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