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In reality, one of the most innovative farming solutions has been here all along. Sustainable farming isn't a 20th century invention. It's something the Aztecs started doing centuries ago called chinampas. The Aztecs used stunning floating gardens

Article Image by Mike Adams

--"BASF announces "permanent" output reductions that will set off catastrophic supply chain collapse for the western world

Article Image by No-Till Growers

In today's video I discuss some the ways in which people who grow food professionally start their gardens. Some things I discuss: how to start a garden from scratch, how to turn over the soil, how to plow with a BCS, When to plow, how to start a

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The couple is using permaculture and hügelkultur methods to grow food in their backyard gardens and they don't use any pesticides or herbicides. They've planted a food forest with fruit and nut trees, and they've also planted fruit trees and nati
