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Article Image, By Gwladys Fouche

A vault built on an Arctic mountainside to preserve the world's crop seeds from war, disease and other catastrophes will receive new deposits on Monday, including one from the first organisation that made a withdrawal from the facility.

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While trying to track down who recently purchased 14,500 acres of choice farmland in Washington state's Columbia River Basin, researchers at The Land Report were surprised to find out the new owner was Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

his article is the first in a series on the underreported costs of solar power. American farmers express concerns about being crowded off of their property, the potentially permanent loss of good agricultural soil, and the feasibility of combining la

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DirtPatchHeaven -

Cattle Panels: $25 apiece, used 2; Greenhouse Plastic: $30 remnant left over from replacing plastic on the big greenhouse last Fall; Pallets: Reclaimed, free. If I buy them it is $5 apiece and I used 4.

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Country Living Experience

Grocery stores may have a variety, but the food is garbage and does not satisfy. Most of the produce there has no flavor and horrible texture. The flavor in home grown food, grown in well cared for soil, cannot be compared to and spoils you once you

Home Grown Food