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Here at, we're just a bunch of goofballs that love permaculture. In the forums, we learn and share our experiences, and find new ways to take over the world with sustainable living!

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When will it end? Suffering Australian farmers have had to harvest the largest total volume of agricultural produce since records began, highlighting how stupid it is to let coal plants keep releasing vital plant nutrients into the atmosphere.

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The Weedy Garden

Swales are long, level excavations used to loosen soil and absorb water. They can be many forms and widths, including small ridges in the garden, rock piles on slopes, or hollows in flat lands.

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Epic Gardening -

Reviewing the Subpod, the composting product I get the MOST questions about. It took me a while to get this review together because I wanted to put the system through its paces, and as you'll see, there were some design challenges I faced with the la

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If you look across a field in Nigeria, you might see hundreds of midsize trees with green leaves and strange roots being dug up. This tree-looking plant is called cassava. Cassava is the third most important source of calories in the world, behind ri

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Krisite Harper -

it's time to Honor God, Empower the People, Restore Agriculture & Establish Community- through Sustainable Subdivision Design centered around dedicated, Community Sponsored Micro-Farmers creating Produce/ Profit Shares for Lot Owners, creating abunda

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There's no way to confirm that a crop was grown organically. Randy Constant exploited our trust in the labels--and made a fortune.

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Epic Gardening

I grew my own wheat! This video takes you from seed to harvest, including threshing and winnowing the wheat so I have a relatively clean product to grind into my own flour.
